Last but not least, the baby of the family......heck where did that seven years go?? lol

Name: Bailey
Nickname: Bay, Bigboy
Hobbies: Basketball, Cricket, Bugs and Other Critters
Age: 7
Oh boy it really does seem like such a short time ago that I was bringing Bailey home from the hospital so he could be spoilt by all lol.
From the moment he was born he has seemed older than his years, first he looked like an old man, then he acted like one lol. Some of the things he comes out with have always had us convinced that he has been here before!

Bailey is very much a Boy, loves getting dirty, catching bugs, wrestling, climbing trees.......he has no fear and has had several near misses already! He can't be told either (gets that stubborn side from his dad of course lol) and thinks he is indestructible but unfortunately has some scars to prove he isn't........still doesn't slow him down though lol.
He is a tiny little thing (all my kids are short) and when he plays basketball he has the whole crowd giggling and usually the opposition players too as they fight over who's going to play on the "little kid"...........Bailey just giggles away, he hasn't realised yet they are laughing AT him not with him LOL.

I don't know if it is his size or that "butter wouldn't melt in his mouth" smile but he has most people wrapped around his finger shortly after meeting them......That smile really is a killer, it's so full of mischief but it just makes you wanna grab those cheeks and squeeze lol
He certainly keeps me on my toes as he never seems to run out of energy but he is a daily source of laughter in this house and is adored by all his siblings (most of the time lol). I guess you could say he may be a little tiny bit spoilt...maybe lol.

Very cute indeed, Julie. You have a lovely family!! Now, we just have to see some pics of you!!
hehe... great to see happy kids! Ruth
Thanks Wendy:):) To be totally honest I'm usually the one taking the pics so there are very few of me apart from the family ones we have had taken over the years and the last one of those was about 5 years ago.
I will have to get Dave to take one .....then again there is a reason I hold the camera normally lol
Thanks Ruth:):) He is a happy kid, smiling 90% of the time....laughing his mischievious laugh the other 10 lol
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