I have been busy soldering vintage game pieces to make some more pendants and it was getting a tad "production" line like lol........In the middle of soldering a domino I caught sight of some vintage watch faces on my work table thinking they would make great faces.....and the domino well that could be a body.................anyways off on a tangent I go and here is the result! LOL

Okay so it's not for everyone and I'm thinking my freaky side is showing its head here but it's kinda funky don't ya think? lol
Yes, a bit funky! Mmmmmmmm, what exactly where you drinking at the time???!!!!
p.s. I do like it!
a b s o l u t e l y !!!!!!!!!
ROTFL Wendy....yes it does look like I was "on" something at the time I know!
LOL Ruth......I think it's the picture of the rib cage that does it....not sure what I was thinking at that point lol
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