Here's my poor picked on Daughter.
Name: Chloe
Nickname: Clo, Bub
Hobbies: Basketball, Cricket, Scrapbooking, Talking!!
Age: 10
I do feel sorry at times for Chloe as she is surrounded by brothers and they seem to not want a sister around most of the time lol. Mind you Chloe has learnt well how to push boys buttons and give as good as she gets!! I keep warning the boys that she is probably going to be the biggest out of them all when they get older and that paybacks...........well we all know what they can be!!lol
Chloe loves school, the actual work part and more so the social part. She loves to talk.....nonstop without taking a breath a lot of the time lol.
She plays basketball and cricket and next year has told us all she wants to play football........that got the old boys hair standing up lol. I don't think she will actually play but if she does I say good on her!!
Chloe takes after her mother with her dress sense, or lack of really lol.....Oh I can dress up with the best of 'em but most of the time I just look daggy and Chloe has learnt well..actually she doesn't have much colour sense either so she sometime looks even daggier than me!lol
She loves sleeping over with pals and came home this past weekend with stacks of makeup on and the hair straightened........my gosh she looked so grown up I wanted to scrub that face and knot that hair so it looked like normal.....don't want my little girl to grow up so fast! lol
what a sweetie! And did you make the yummy looking cake??!!
Thanks Wendy:):)
Errrrr that is an icecream cake (ten bucks from coles lol). Wendy I must confess...I do not BAKE...I am useless.....worse than useless. I'm the reason they sell mud cake ready made in the supermarkets!! LOL
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