So as promised I am going to introduce you all to my family, one at a time. I thought this was a great way for you all to get to know about me and what makes me tick.
Rather than using the lovely wedding or other professional style photos I decided to show the everyday pics as they give you a better idea into the personality of the person.
Today I give you Dave (well I can't actually give him to you as he is quite handy to have around lol)
Name: David
Nicknames: Dave, Wardy, Duck
Age: 38 (yes younger than me)
Hobbies : Cricket, Greyhound racing
Profile: Don't let the look fool you (Or the "wife beater" he wears 24/7 lol), although he sometimes manages to look like a mugshot on Austalias Most Wanted he is a BIG pussycat!
I think Dave is the husband every wife wishes for...he cleans, does laundry, washes dishes, cooks, takes out the trash (with a little reminding) and doesn't batter an eyelid if I need him to look after the kids at anytime.
Of course he does have bad habits too....he snores, passes gas often and does this weird thing with his jaw LOL
We met at the local pub where I was working behind the bar and he was a regular (very) customer. He kept asking me out whilst under the influence and I told him to come back when he was sober.....which he finally did and the rest as they say is history. Of course he doesn't drink much at all now, actually I can't even remember the last time he went to the pub.
He is a mad cricket fan. He captains a local team which managed to win the grand final last year and he has been voted Cricketer of The Year for the last two years in our local league. Of course with cricket along with football he was a "Champion" when he was younger, Just ask him!!(He drives the boys mad with the old "when I was a boy..." stories).
Dave works 7 days a week with Saturday afternoons in summer the only regular time off he gets.
I am proud to call him my husband and even prouder he is my friend and soulmate:):)
Hey Julie, lucky you ... when you say Dave works 7 days a week AND Saturday afternoons in summer, where does he find time to do all your housework AND bowl a maiden over!!!
ROTFL...I meant that to read that Summer saturday arvos are his only time off....that's so he can bowl the maidens over!LOL
I probably made him sound too good...although I wish he would do ALL my housework he just does what needs doing, I still have to do the majority but if he sees something that needs cleaning/washing etc he will do it, unasked. Perhaps I should teach him how to use an iron too as that's about the only thing he can't do....then I could retire to my studio and make art all day or drink coffee and chat on the phone....something I seem to do well:-)
I can't get over the size of that dog!!! omg! Ruth.
LOL....He was the BEST dog ever Ruth, the biggest sook! We had him for his twelve wonderful years but he developed cancer and we had to put him to rest:(
Ummm....excuse me, I've seen Awesome Dave iron!
Dave rocks and then some :-)
When was that? Was I there? I'd be scared if I saw Dave with an iron! LOL
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